Rustenburg Agapé Kinderfees 2014 at Laerskool Vastrap
It is that time of year again in Rustenburg, when hundreds of kids visit the Agapé Kinderfees at Laerskool Vastrap. The parents drop them off at the registration table and they go to the team where they meet up with other children of the same age. The Kinderfees is part of the Rustenburg culture and driven by Rev. Dawie de Koker, the senior minister at Agape Gemeente. Agape Gemeente is located at 99 Cuckoo Avenue near the Waterfall Mall. Rev. de Koker told us that there arrives on average 700 children per day at the Kinderfees.
The past few months strike also had an effect on things at the Kinderfees, but still God blesses Agape with abundant blessings on all terrains. The impact that workers have on the children’s life’s can’t be measured in money.