1. What is the function of the Hospice Shop?
The main function of our hospice shops is to generate funds, as this is our organisations main source of income. The shops also help to raise awareness of our organisation and the services we provide.
2. What can be donated to the Hospice Shop?
The following can be donated – clothing, shoes, linen/bedding (new or second hand), ornaments, kitchenware, toiletries, electrical appliances (working or not), computers, printers, tools and furniture. Written off and damaged goods from retailers are most welcome. Acknowledgement by letter and our PBO number will enable them to claim back from SARS.
3. Where can you find the Hospice Shop?
The 3 hospice shops are situated at 48 Steen Street and at the Phokeng Plaza in Phokeng. All donations can be dropped off at our receiving depot at 195 Bethlehem Street.
4. Who benefits from the Hospice funds?
Monies generated by the shops also go towards the home-based palliative care of our patients and their families. Our services are rendered free of charge.