This month we are giving you a large newsletter full of content. Thank you for subscribing to our monthly newsletter. Feel free to refer more friends, family and co-workers to our site. Let them also subscribe to this newsletter and stay on top of things that is happening in the awesome town of Rustenburg. For those people who are new to Rusties, we strive to be of service to the community and businesses of Rustenburg. There are a lot of things happening at Rusties. We have designed a brand new logo and busy with the facelift of our site.
The new Rusties site will be launched in a short time. The new site will also have a awesome mobi version that will work very nice on the mobile phones. With the upcoming Biz-net Expo in September that will be presented at the Waterfall Mall, look out for the Rusties exhibit.
Take a look at the preview of the new site!! Click on image to enlarge.
- New Clients
- Businesses in the spot light
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
- Specials
- Rusties Marketing Campaign
New Clients
For the months of June and July the following businesses joined the ranks of Rusties:
Businesses in the spot light
We had the following old clients in the spot light:
- Advanced Security Worx
- Granite Alarms
- Granite Security
- Wings Spinning and Pilates Studio
- Gearbox and Diff Centre
- NW Auto Glass
- Sport Massage
- Medal Homes
- Grey Corporate
- Exclusive Skirtings
- Marketing Mix
- Bliss Pool Nets
- Swan Pool Centre
Upcoming Events
- Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk hou basaar!
- Training, Careers and Schools Showcase
- Verve Womens Conference
- Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are dead
- Bosrumoer in Zeerust
- Bizz-Net Expo 2012
- Health and Beauty Expo 2012
Past Events
Here is the list of specials that are on Rusties:
- Biltong Bar Special
- Special on Picnic tables- Exclusive Skirtings
- Exclusive Skirtings business and equipment for sale
- Hospice Rustenburg Water Project
Rusties Marketing Campaign
From our research we have discovered that our visitors to the site was divided between different citie
s, like Pretoria, Johannesburg, Sandton etc. Becauce our big focus is on Rustenburg community, we have started with a strategy to enlarge our number of visitors from Rustenburg on the site. Our first effort was on Saturday 9 June when we gave out flyers at the traffic crossing at the Waterfall Mall. We used the services of Yokulindi Events for this flyer drop. We are constantly striving in bettering the content on the site.
We have designed a new logo for Rusties and in the process of re-developing the Rusties site. All our efforts are invested in preparing for the Biz-Net Expo 26-30 September. Rusties is also very proud of our new corporate shirts made by Embroider Eze.