
Tag: rustenburg nuus

Rosemary’s kitchen – A unique Taste Ever wanted to go to a totally unique coffee shop but could not find one in Rustenburg? Have you considered Rosemary’s Kitchen? Situated in  37 Von Wielligh Street next to the Medicross centre in the heart of Rustenburg. It is has a peaceful and creative vibe. Inside Rustenburg, but […]

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Girl falls to her death On 2013-02-17 at about 11:00 a group of teachers accompanied 13 school children aged between fourteen and fifteen on a mountain/hiking expedition.  They visited Aasvoël krans, from where they started with their hiking expedition. At about 13:00, while on top of the mountain, in an area known as the Retief’s […]

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Know  before you buy A car has become something that people simply can’t live without.  Almost everyone makes use of motor vehicle transportation daily.  They come in all shapes and sizes.  There are also many places to buy one but what should you know about buying a car before hand?  How does the process work? […]

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Pregnancy Awareness Week It is Pregnancy awareness week at Fern crest Hospital.  On Friday the 15/02/2013 they hosted a awareness campaign day from the morning up until 1 Pm.  Everything about pregnancy and baby care.  There was stalls and talks about pregnancy, an entire tour to educate and help women to know what to expect […]

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Old schemes, new times It seems that in Rustenburg the old scams are returning and nowadays worse than ever before.  Scams have always been a problem.  And in this instance pure daylight robbery.  Clever words and a proven to work trick is what we should be looking out for.  If you are not careful you […]

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It’s all about entertainment Entertainment is one of those ever evolving industries.  There will always be something new, something fresh.  Technology can never be stopped.  From movies to video games, entertainment technology has become a great part of our daily lives.  But the industry and technology is much more complex and diverse then we can […]

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An atmosphere of romance Valentine’s Day.  One of those days where you can feel the love and romance in the air.  Once a year when a boy can gather up the courage to ask the girl he likes and ask her out.  Love is all around in Rustenburg.  Valentines fever.  Red balloons and hearts fill […]

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It is the start of a new year.  For a great deal of people in our town of Rustenburg the year 2013 brings forth different emotions that gives you the feeling of a roller coaster.  For some people the year started with a dark cloud when Anglo American Platinum released the news that there would […]

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A celebration of blessings It is always nice to hear some of the positive things that are happening in our area.  One of those amazing happenings is the donation of a Toyota Quantum mini bus that was sponsored by Afrisam to the Môrester Children’s Home. On Friday 08/02/2013 there was a celebration of this wonderful donation.  Môrester Children’s […]

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Rustenburg Business Women Networking Forum kicks off The new and exciting Rustenburg Business Women Networking Forum (RBWN) kicked off on 24 January.  Some interesting and valuable discussions and networking took place between a diverse group of female entrepreneurs of the town and surrounding areas.  Businesses represented included a Business Website company; a PR and Communication […]

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07 February

Scam alert There has been a scam going around by a syndicate targeting small businesses with big contracts.  This scam has already targeted a few businesses in Rustenburg area.  Do not be caught in the same net. Basically what happens is a person calls you up and says that they received your number from somewhere. […]

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06 February

Pain in the neck? Struggling with back problems?  Well it turns out that many of those problems can be because of poor posture. Furthermore, some back problems in late age can be avoided by taking care of your back by going to the physiotherapist.  Everyone knows that a back pain can have quite the effect […]

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Rustenburg show 2013 The Rustenburg platinum show is one of those calendar events that everyone in Rustenburg knows off.  This year the theme is ‘Rustenburg in the year 2013’.  With entertainment for every culture and subculture this year’s show promises to be a little different than previous years.  The focus will be much more local, […]

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Your world in colour In a busy world it is easy to lose track of all the wonderful things around us. We tend to neglect our hobbies because we are too busy with other things. This is not a good thing.  When do we relax and give ourselves a chance to recuperate? Elreza Huygen (Buitendach) […]

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31 January

A wrecking review Walt Disney and Pixar released their all new animated feature Wreck-it Ralph. It tells the story of a video game character, but not just any character, the antagonist. Ralph has been doing the same thing for 20 years. And it’s hard to enjoy your job if everyone hates you for doing it. […]

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Come Bake with ASTV! ASTV invites all Primary School Learners to join the Bak en Brou Club.  It is easy, educational and lots of fun! All mothers please take notice that the Bak en Brou club takes place every Monday at 14:00 to 15:00 and is presented at the NG church Moedergemeente. Cost: Registration Fee: R150 […]

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