This animated comedy centres on Dracula’s five-star resort, the Hotel Transylvania where monsters and their families, including Frankenstein (voiced by Kevin James) and his bride (Fran Drescher), the Mummy, the Invisible Man, and a family of werewolves, can live it up without worrying about frightening or offending anyone in the human world.
Dracula (voiced by Adam Sandler), an overprotective dad, has a teenage daughter, Mavis (voiced by Selena Gomez). He makes up stories about terrible dangers in order to keep her from wanting to leave the hotel. But his world may come crashing down when an ordinary guy (Andy Samberg), who just happens to walk into the hotel, falls for Mavis.
Release date:
28 Sep
Release site:
Ster-Kinekor Rustenberg
Voice talents of:
Adam Sandler,Andy Samberg,Cee Lo Green,David Spade,Fran Drescher,Kevin James,Molly Shannon,Selena Gomez,Steve Buscemi
Directed by: Genndy Tarkovsky
Produced by: Michelle Murdocca